From Law Enforcement to Aircraft Sales: Austin Clark's Success Story

case studies Jun 25, 2024
Austin Clark



For Seventeen years, Austin Clark has served in law enforcement. Through years of dedication, he slowly earned all his pilot certificates and ratings and relocated within law enforcement as a pilot in an Aerial Unit. Today, when he's not conducting aerial investigations, surveying, hunting criminals, and protecting his community, he indulges in his true passion, tending to his small brokerage, Aerosellers. Buying, acquiring, selling, and networking are just some things that have led to his recent success. Austin's entrepreneurial spirit is not a new development and has been around for a while. Initially, he launched a successful E-commerce company that sold pilot supplies, which he used to pay for his pilot certifications. Unfortunately, he suspended operations in 2020 due to supply chain complications and workforce requirements. Austin, who resides in St. Louis, Missouri, drew his inspiration to start a brokerage from his partner, a real estate agent.


The Challenge

Austin's first e-commerce business came to a halt in 2020, a challenging time that marked the beginning of a new chapter in his career. It was during this period that he discovered the transformative power of the Aircraft Broker Academy. After reading Tom Lelyo's book, “The Ultimate Jet Guide,” Austin found his true calling. He had the passion and sound judgment to run a brokerage but needed the proper guidance and knowledge to excel. Today, his business is thriving, and he attributes a significant part of his success to the comprehensive education he received from ABA.


Why Austin Chose Aircraft Broker Academy

 “ABA set me up for success by laying the groundwork for starting this business: legal structure, contracts and paperwork, website building, standard processes, methods to obtain clients, etc.” With Austin's newfound skills from the ABA course, he can successfully navigate the aviation industry using this sustainable business model. “This program could have quickly explained how to do the job of an aircraft broker and let the student figure the rest of it out from there, but it did much more. Thanks to Alex for going above and beyond, setting everyone up for success,” Austin says. Austin has seen the results of this education quickly after completing this course. 


The Results 

Since completing the course in January 2024, Austin has become a seller's agent for a 2002 American Citabria in short order. During this transaction, he sold for a higher price than his client initially posted using the knowledge he gained from ABA. While this plane was under contract, Austin was contacted by a prospective buyer. Although the plane was no longer available, Austin was able to secure this buyer as a client. Austin recounted: “One individual showed considerable interest, and as we developed a strong rapport, I began sending him listings for similar aircraft. After about a week, he expressed interest in engaging me as his buyer’s agent. Ultimately, we negotiated a deal, and he signed an Aircraft Acquisition Agreement to purchase an American Champion Citabria. Within 48 hours, we made an offer on a 2005 American Champion Citabria. Although the seller listed it at $165,000, I secured the price at $160,000 through negotiations, including a fresh annual on the plane”. Currently, he has three additional listings a 1959 Cessna 175, a 1973 Cessna Skymaster, and a 1974 Cessna 340. While these planes are yet to sell, Austin hopes the right deal will come his way in due time. While Austin’s brokerage is a young company, it has already shown signs of significant success due to quality networking and world-class customer service. Austin looks to continue growing this business and understands that working on it daily is the only way to get results.


Are you ready to take the next step on becoming an aircraft broker? Our online course equips you with the necessary tools and knowledge to run a successful aircraft brokerage and inspires you to become financially independent regardless of your experience in the aviation industry. 

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